Saturday, October 17, 2009

Limbaugh targeted by Obama official, WH Anita Dunn Praises Mao; CAIR's ties with terrorism

And now, a classic quote from P.J. O'Rourke, given at his speech at the Conservative Political Action Committee, February 11,1994:  “They are dung beetles in legislation, legislators in the bedchamber, chambermaids in the battlefield and field marshals in the war against everything reasonable and decent.  Such has not been seen in the executive branch since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was wheeled up the disabled access ramp to the Gates of Hell.” 1) The Race Card, Football and Me  My critics would have you believe no conservative meets NFL 'standards.' This is much bigger than football and is worth your attention: David Checketts, an investor and owner of sports teams, approached me in late May about investing in the St. Louis Rams football franchise. As a football fan, I was intrigued. I invited him to my home where we discussed it further. Even after informing him that some people might try to make an issue of my participation, Mr. Checketts said he didn't much care. I accepted his offer. It didn't take long before my name was selectively leaked to the media as part of the Checketts investment group. Shortly thereafter, the media elicited comments from the likes of Al Sharpton. In 1998 Mr. Sharpton was found guilty of defamation and ordered to pay $65,000 for falsely accusing a New York prosecutor of rape in the 1987 Tawana Brawley case. He also played a leading role in the 1991 Crown Heights riot (he called neighborhood Jews "diamond merchants") and 1995 Freddie's Fashion Mart riot. Not to be outdone, Jesse Jackson, whose history includes anti-Semitic speech (in 1984 he referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in a Washington Post interview) chimed in. He found me unfit to be associated with the NFL. I was too divisive and worse. I was accused of once supporting slavery and having praised Martin Luther King Jr.'s murderer, James Earl Ray. …Mr. Wilbon wasn't alone. Numerous sportswriters, CNN, MSNBC, among others, falsely attributed to me statements I had never made. Their sources, as best I can tell, were Wikipedia and each other. But the Wikipedia post was based on a fabrication printed in a book that also lacked any citation to an actual source.  I never said I supported slavery and I never praised James Earl Ray. How sick would that be? Just as sick as those who would use such outrageous slanders against me or anyone else who never even thought such things. Mr. Wilbon refuses to take responsibility for his poison pen, writing instead that he will take my word that I did not make these statements; others, like Rick Sanchez of CNN, essentially used the same sleight-of-hand. The sports media elicited comments from a handful of players, none of whom I can recall ever meeting. Among other things, at least one said he would never play for a team I was involved in given my racial views. My racial views? You mean, my belief in a colorblind society where every individual is treated as a precious human being without regard to his race? Where football players should earn as much as they can and keep as much as they can, regardless of race? Those controversial racial views (emphasis mine)? …Having brought me into his group, Mr. Checketts now wanted a way out. He asked me to resign. I told him no way. I had done nothing wrong. I had not uttered the words these people were putting in my mouth. And I would not bow to their libels and pressure. He would have to drop me from the group. A few days later, he did. As I explained on my radio show, this spectacle is bigger than I am on several levels. There is a contempt in the news business, including the sportswriter community, for conservatives that reflects the blind hatred espoused by Messrs. Sharpton and Jackson. "Racism" is too often their sledgehammer. And it is being used to try to keep citizens who don't share the left's agenda from participating in the full array of opportunities this nation otherwise affords each of us. It was on display many years ago in an effort to smear Clarence Thomas with racist stereotypes and keep him off the Supreme Court. More recently, it was employed against patriotic citizens who attended town-hall meetings and tea-party protests. These intimidation tactics are working and spreading, and they are a cancer on our society (emphasis mine). See: “Just remember — if football is so thoroughly politicized under this gang, why expect that liver transplants will be different?” - Quote at : 1a) Limbaugh Targeted By Obama Official The plot thickens on the media’s character-lynching of Rush Limbaugh. Of the four stories run on about Limbaugh’s bid for the Rams (October 6, October 12, October 15, and another October 15) none of them mention that NFL Players Association Executive Director DeMaurice Smith served as counsel to Attorney General Eric Holder and was a member of Barack Obama’s transition team. The October 12 article references Smith’s anti-Limbaugh email meant to garner opposition against the radio host’s bid. The report refers to Smith only as the executive director of the NFLPA. Despite the fact that Smith’s opposition was based on Limbaugh’s political commentary, the report failed to mention that Smith’s political connections (including those to whom he donated thousands of dollars) have a vested interest in Limbaugh’s discrediting. …It is not as if ESPN didn’t know of Smith’s history. The sports web site ran a report in July which stated:  In selecting Smith this year, the union chose Washington smarts over football experience. Smith, a Washington lawyer, served on the Obama transition team and also worked for Eric Holder before Holder became attorney general. Smith’s gross conflict of interest and apparent political targeting of Obama’s top foe is a huge story. Unfortunately the media appears too blinded by their prejudice of Limbaugh to report on it. …Historically politicians have been prone to vindictive and petty behavior, but never in American history has someone had so much power to pummel his political opponents as President Obama. With control over banks, insurance companies, car companies, media (sports media included) and unions (like the NFL players union), Obama tentacles seem to penetrate into nearly every corner of the nation (emphasis mine). See: 2) Health bill clears hurdle with support from Republicrat Snowe "When history calls, history calls," said Maine Republican Olympia Snowe, whose declaration of support ended weeks of suspense and provided the only drama of a 14-9 vote in the Senate Finance Committee.  Yeah, that’s a credible reason for voting for it…brilliant, Ms. Snowe, brilliant! …The next move in the Senate is up to Majority Leader Harry Reid, whose office said the full Senate would begin debate on the issue the week of Oct. 26. Nominally, Reid must first blend the bill that cleared during the day with a version that passed earlier in the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. But in reality, the majority leader — with the participation of the White House — has a virtual free hand in fashioning a measure to wind up gaining the 60 votes needed to overcome a threatened Republican filibuster. See: …Health care legislation is expected to be on the Senate floor the week after next, said a spokesman for Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. But it won’t be the Baucus bill. Reid will combine the Finance version with a more liberal proposal from the health committee – with unpredictable results. See: 2a) 'We're Going to Let You Die'  Who said it? Hint: It wasn't Sarah Palin. Meanwhile, if you're not part of a special interest but just a regular American who hopes one day to grow old (because it beats the alternative), has a timely reminder that proponents of "health-care reform" don't necessarily sympathize with that aspiration. NewsBusters links to another Morgen Richmond YouTube clip, this one of a speech that Robert Reich, who served as President Clinton's labor secretary, delivered on the subject in 2007: I will actually give you a speech made up entirely--almost at the spur of the moment, of what a candidate for president would say if that candidate did not care about becoming president. In other words, this is what the truth is, and a candidate will never say, but what candidates should say if we were in a kind of democracy where citizens were honored in terms of their practice of citizenship, and they were educated in terms of what the issues were, and they could separate myth from reality in terms of what candidates would tell them: "Thank you so much for coming this afternoon. I'm so glad to see you, and I would like to be president. Let me tell you a few things on health care. Look, we have the only health-care system in the world that is designed to avoid sick people. [laughter] That's true, and what I'm going to do is I am going to try to reorganize it to be more amenable to treating sick people. But that means you--particularly you young people, particularly you young, healthy people--you're going to have to pay more. [applause] Thank you. "And by the way, we are going to have to--if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It's too expensive, so we're going to let you die. [applause]  "Also, I'm going to use the bargaining leverage of the federal government in terms of Medicare, Medicaid--we already have a lot of bargaining leverage--to force drug companies and insurance companies and medical suppliers to reduce their costs. But that means less innovation, and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market, which means you are probably not going to live that much longer than your parents. [applause] Thank you." See: 3) White House Communications Director Anita Dunn Praises Mao DUNN: The third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers: Mao Tse-tung and Mother Teresa. Not often coupled with each other. In 1947, when Mao Tse-tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, the Nationalist Chinese helped the cities, they had the army, they had the Air Force, they had everything on their side. And people said, "How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this? Against all the odds against you?" And Mao Tse-tung said, "You fight your war and I'll fight mine," and think about that for a second. RUSH…She is saying one of her favorite philosophers is a guy who brought communism to his country and took it over, and she is Obama's communications director! So don't tell me that I'm going too far when I say, "We can't protest the Dear Leader in Texas. Why, they don't do that in North Korea. They don't do that in Cuba. Don't do that in Russia." Who's got the Army in the cities today? Obama doesn't have to take them over. They're under his control. I know people don't want to face this. "I can't believe this, Rush. This is just too much." Here, listen again and believe it.   See: And: More on this…"The Little Red Book" was favored by 60's radicals for its teachings on tactics regarding how to bring the proletariat along with your revolution. Can't argue with success, since Mao's revolution couldn't have been accomplished without snowing the ordinary people about a Communist paradise. Of course, once reality set in, it was too late. Millions were starving. Millions more executed. But the iron control of the Chinese Communists exists to this day. See: 4) Bank of America's Lewis gives up 2009 salary and bonus at the urging of the pay czar CHARLOTTE/WASHINGTON, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Bank of America Corp's (BAC.N) departing chief executive, Kenneth Lewis, will receive no pay for 2009, but questions still linger about his $125 million retirement payout. At U.S. pay czar Kenneth Feinberg's request, Lewis will not receive the $1.5 million salary he was slated to make this year, company spokesman Bob Stickler on Thursday. Lewis will not receive a bonus or any other payments for 2009. …Lewis agreed to give up 2009 pay because he felt "it was not in the best interest of Bank of America for him to get involved in a dispute with the paymaster," Stickler said. Feinberg declined to comment. But the pay czar may still pressure Bank of America to reduce Lewis' retirement payouts, according to a source familiar with the matter. In another day and time, forcing a person to work without pay was called slavery. But I digress.  See: 5) Nobel jury speaks out in defense of Obama prize …To those who say a Nobel is too much too soon in Obama's young presidency, "We simply disagree ... He got the prize for what he has done," committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland told The Associated Press by telephone from Strasbourg, France, where he was attending meetings of the Council of Europe. Jagland singled out Obama's efforts to heal the divide between the West and the Muslim world (well, if he means by joining the Muslim world in their hatred of Israel, I guess I can see what he means, but I don‘t think joining the other side constitutes “healing the divide“) and scale down a Bush-era proposal for an anti-missile shield in Europe. "All these things have contributed to — I wouldn't say a safer world — but a world with less tension," he said. I’m sure the Poles and Czechs are shouting their hearty approval.  See: 6) 53 Republicans demand firing of 'safe schools czar' Kevin Jennings Fifty-three House Republicans have written President Barack Obama asking him to remove "safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings from that position.  The lawmakers accused Jennings of "pushing a pro-homosexual agenda" and said that Jennings's past writings exhibit a record that makes him unfit for the position.  "We respectfully request that you remove Kevin Jennings, the Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, from your Administration," the Republicans wrote. "It is clear that Mr. Jennings lacks the appropriate qualifications and ethical standards to serve in this capacity." See: '6a) Safe schools' chief was member of radical Act Up Jennings now responsible for public school students The man chosen by the Obama administration to head the Department of Education's Office of Safe Schools was an activist with the radical pro-homosexual organization Act Up, known for its aggressive badgering of those who don't support the homosexual lifestyle, according to a new report. See: 7) Russia refuses to agree to sanctions against Iran (headline mine) MOSCOW – Russia publicly pushed back Tuesday against U.S. efforts to threaten tough new sanctions if Iran fails to prove its nuclear program is peaceful, dealing an apparent setback to President Barack Obama's hopes for Moscow's backing for fresh penalties against Tehran. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow believed such threats were "counterproductive" and that only negotiations should be pursued now. Just last month, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had said that sanctions are rarely productive but "in some cases they are inevitable," a statement the U.S. hailed as a shift of opinion in Moscow. Translation: Russia and Iran, in cooperation, build up their nuclear arsenals while Obama dismantles ours.   See: 8) CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) attempts to torpedo Capitol press conference Despite protests and threats from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, four Congress members went ahead with a press conference at the U.S. Capitol yesterday to call for an investigation of the Muslim lobby group based on documents uncovered in the explosive new book "Muslim Mafia," by WND Books.  Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., received a fax Tuesday from CAIR's in-house legal counsel, alleging the authors of the new book, set for release today, had engaged in "criminal actions" and warning that a report already had been filed with law enforcement authorities.  The faxed letter from CAIR's Nadhira al-Khalili noted the Washington-based group had been forewarned of the press conference Myrick held with fellow members of the House anti-terror caucus leadership, Reps. John Shadegg, R-Ariz., Trent Franks, R-Ariz., and Paul Broun, R-Ga. The lawmakers called for an end to political lobbying by groups, such as CAIR, operating as fronts for the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood, the parent of al-Qaida and Hamas. See: 8a) Rep. Myrick repeats call to cut CAIR ties Rep. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.) continued to accuse a Muslim advocacy group of attempting to place interns on key national security committees to sway policy in its favor, a day after the group’s spokesman received a death threat. Asked for her opinion on CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper receiving a death threat after the accusations she made on Wednesday, Myrick’s office reiterated her calls for Congress to stop dealing with the group.   “Why would anyone allow a group, who the FBI says is tied to terrorism, to influence national security policy, or any policy for that matter?” she said in a statement. “If the FBI has cut ties with CAIR, Congress should wake up and do the same.” On Wednesday, Myrick and fellow GOP members of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus, Reps. John Shadegg (Ariz.), Paul Broun (Ga.) and Trent Franks (Ariz.), called for the House sergeant at arms to investigate whether the House Homeland Security Committee, Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee had hired interns who acted as “spies” for CAIR. ..The Republicans on Wednesday called for the Justice Department to share with all lawmakers and their chiefs of staff an executive summary of the findings that led the department to name CAIR as a co-conspirator in an anti-terrorism case. See: 8b) 'Moderate' CAIR to feature radicals at annual banquet: After dismissing jihad charges in new book, showcases imam cited in '93 WTC bombing While mocking an explosive new book that presents internal documents showing it is a U.S. front for global jihad, the Washington, D.C.-based Council on American-Islamic Relations is trumpeting a keynote speaker at its 15th annual banquet next week who was an uninidicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing investigation and who told New Jersey Muslims the U.S. government would one day be taken over by an Islamic caliphate. See:

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