Sunday, May 9, 2010

Left hopes for a Tea Party Terrorist; Lt. Col Lakin appears on CNN, questions eligibility; AMA beholden to Congress?

1) The Left Hopes for a Tea Party Terrorist Last week, someone tried to detonate a roadside car bomb in Times Square. And while investigators were searching for the guilty terrorist, some liberals in this country had already found a culprit – you. That’s right. We’ve entered an era where some on the left expressly hope that when terrorist attacks occur, the guilty parties are their fellow Americans, not Islamic jihadists. It’s crazy, but true. After Times Square attack, a narrative quickly emerged that the bomber was a lone wolf and may be a conservative, probably a tea partier. It didn’t begin among the fringe, but from names and faces you know. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer, alike, purposefully attempted to immediately convict a domestic political ideology – the Tea Party movement – rather than waiting for evidence to be uncovered. …It was during that brief period of investigation that accusations and false assumptions started to fly. First out of the box were Secretary Napolitano and Mayor Bloomberg, who appeared on television shows to offer theories based on absolutely no evidence. …Then there’s Mayor Bloomberg, who on Katie Couric’s show on Monday opined that the suspect could be “a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health-care bill or something.” While government authorities were quickly tracking down the owner of the Pathfinder, Mayor Bloomberg was on TV saying the guilty party may have been someone merely upset with Obamacare. Cue the fringe. Daily Kos wildly said there are only two types of terrorists, jihadists or tea partiers. Then Robert Dreyfuss, an “investigative journalist” for the leftist site The Nation, railed against media outlets that correctly analyzed the possibility that this could be a jihadist attack. He concluded that it was “far more likely” that the perpetrator was “a member of some squirrely branch of the Tea Party.” Now that’s what we call investigative journalism (emphasis mine). In Politico’s Arena, Washington and Lee University Law Professor Timothy Stoltzfus Jost said it was much more likely “the bomb was placed by a right-wing lunatic” and that the right-wing media “bears some responsibility.” So now it’s all Fox News’ fault. At least Professor Jost had the courage to apologize the next day for his liberally drawn conclusions. Oh the irony of a law professor from liberal academia presuming guilt, rather than innocence, and moving for conviction with no evidence (emphasis mine). …The Times Square bomber was a jihadist. He was Middle Eastern. He trained in Pakistan. These are the facts of the case. The great hope of conservatives is not to rush to blame one group or another for an attack. Our hope is to have a federal government that will prevent these attacks rather than awkwardly respond, as we saw this week. We also hope to engage in respectful political discourse without being called a bigot (emphasis mine). See:

2) Morning Bell: A Recovery Only Washington Could Love

Today the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor and Statistics released its monthly jobs report showing that the nation’s unemployment rose to 9.9% in April despite the addition of 290,000 jobs, 66,000 of which were temporary Census 2010 jobs. The rise in unemployment was driven by the entrance of 195,000 previously discouraged Americans reentering the workforce. In total, the U.S. economy has now lost a net of 2.6 million jobs since President Barack Obama signed his $862 billion stimulus plan. We are 7.6 million jobs short of the 137.8 million he promised the American economy would support by 2010. It is encouraging to see the American economy beginning to recover, but these numbers again indicate that the Obama administration’s heavy government hand has retarded and deformed what otherwise would have been a more robust recovery. The White House may tout Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reports showing their $862 billion stimulus created jobs, but the CBO has also admitted their computer simulation didn’t take any actual new real world data into account. To the contrary, an independent study of real world stimulus facts found: 1) no statistical correlation between unemployment and how the $862 billion was spent; 2) that Democratic districts received one-and-a-half times as many awards as Republican ones; and 3) an average cost of $286,000 was awarded per job created. $286,000 per job created. See: 3) Why the AMA Wants to Muzzle Your Doctor It is always ethical to tell patients the truth, which is what doctors are doing by educating them about ObamaCare. The American Medical Association (AMA) is putting the doctors of America on notice. A major cheerleader for ObamaCare, the organization is now trying to silence doctors who oppose it. It is time the American people understood what the AMA is really all about. Last month, not long after a Florida urologist placed a sign in his door making it clear that patients who voted for President Obama were not welcome in his practice, the AMA issued the following statement: "[P]hysicians might reflect on how to properly balance their obligations as members of the medical profession with their rights as individual citizens who will be affected by reform. In particular, physicians may wonder whether it is appropriate to express political views to patients or their families." The statement goes on to say that while the AMA "supports the right of physicians to free political speech and encourages them to exercise the full scope of their political rights . . . physicians should conduct political communications with sensitivity to patients' vulnerability and desire for privacy." Many doctors interpreted this as an attempt—albeit with verbal parachutes attached—to keep them from sharing their opinions about health-care reform with their patients. This position is troubling on many levels. …It is essential to understand the primary reason the AMA stands alongside President Obama on health-care reform. The organization wants to protect a monopoly that the federal government has created for it—a medical coding system administered by the AMA that every health-care professional and hospital must use if they wish to get paid for the services they provide. This monopoly generates income of $70 million to $100 million annually for the AMA. That makes the AMA less an association looking out for doctors and more a special-interest group beholden to Congress and the White House (emphasis mine). See: 4) Reid invites Wall St. contribution On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused Republicans of “making love to Wall Street” during the financial regulatory reform debate. But just a day earlier, at least one Wall Street firm received a request to contribute $2,500 to Harry Reid’s re-election campaign. An invitation to the fundraiser, sent to a Wall Street firm, was obtained by POLITICO. Reid and Republicans have been trading charges about cozying up to Wall Street for weeks, with Reid going after his Republican counterpart Mitch McConnell for meeting with Wall Street execs and McConnell returning fire about a Reid fundraiser in New York. But Reid’s spokesman Jim Manley said Reid isn’t “taking money from Wall Street PACs right now.” He explained that Reid’s campaign has a very large mailing list, and “just because they receive an invite it doesn’t mean they are being solicited.” Then what does it mean, Senator Reid? Remember Sharron Angle, a liberty-loving stateswoman, is running against this duplicitous politician. Make a donation to her at and help get rid of him. See: 5) U.S. Taxpayers Fund $6.8 Billion Of Greek Bailout As Sen. Jim DeMint points out, the International Monetary Fund is sending $40 billion to bail out Greece, and 17% of IMF funding comes from the United States. That means we've just sent a cool $6.8 billion to bail out a socialist country who's citizens actually want their republic to swing more left. I don't know about you, but I don't go to work in the morning to enable some economically backwards European nation to continue over-paying its government employees. See: 6) US Sen. Bob Bennett ousted at Utah GOP convention SALT LAKE CITY – Republican Sen. Bob Bennett was thrown out of office Saturday by delegates at the Utah GOP convention in a stunning defeat for a once-popular three-term incumbent who fell victim to a growing conservative movement nationwide. Bennett's failure to make it into Utah's GOP primary — let alone win his party's nomination — makes him the first congressional incumbent to be ousted this year and demonstrates the challenges candidates face from the right in 2010. "The political atmosphere obviously has been toxic, and it's very clear that some of the votes that I have cast have added to the toxic environment," Bennett told reporters, choking back tears. …"Don't take a chance on a newcomer," Bennett had pleaded in his brief speech to the delegates before the second round of voting began. "There's too much at stake." Yet that urging, and Bennett's endorsements by the National Rifle Association and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, did little to stave off anger toward the Washington establishment from delegates. …Bennett, 76, initially faced seven Republican opponents who said he wasn't conservative enough for ultraconservative Utah. Lee, 38, and Bridgewater, 49, campaigned largely by saying they're better suited to rein in government spending than Bennett. "I will fight every day as your U.S. senator for limited government, to end the cradle-to-grave entitlement mentality, for a balanced budget, to protect our flag, our borders and our national security and for bills that can be read before they receive a final vote in congress," Lee said in his convention speech. Ballot revolution’s a’ brewin’! See: 7) Big Brother comes to Alexandria, VA (headline mine) Alexandria residents soon will have to pay for larger home recycling bins featuring built-in monitoring devices. The City Council added a mandatory $9 charge to its residents' annual waste collection fee. That cash -- roughly $180,000 collected from 19,000 residents-- will pay for new larger recycling carts equipped with computer microchips, which will allow the city to keep tabs on its bins and track resident participation in the city's recycling program. "If you know who's participating in the programs, you can focus your education and outreach to those who are not participating," said Stacy Herring, Alexandria's recycling coordinator. Sure, “education” and “outreach”. See: 8) CNN places eligibility in primetime spotlight Anderson Cooper defends computer-generated 'COLB' CNN, one of the mainstream media outlets that have either belittled or ignored the question of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president since before the 2008 election, tonight gave the topic a primetime spotlight as Anderson Cooper defended the computer-generated online image of a Certification of Live Birth that lists a 1961 Hawaii birth for the president. Cooper invited onto his "360" program Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an Army doctor who is facing court-martial because he has told the military he will not follow orders unless Obama can document his eligibility to be commander-in-chief. The questions he is raising are like those raised in numerous lawsuits and other challenges to Obama – whether he qualifies to occupy the Oval Office under the Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural born" citizen. While the term is not defined in the Constitution, many legal analysts believe at the time it was written it meant a person born in the U.S. of two U.S. citizen parents. Obama clearly does not qualify under that definition, since he has admitted his father never was a U.S. citizen. Some legal challenges have argued he wasn't even born in Hawaii. See:

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