Monday, June 1, 2009

Russia and China Mock US (rightly), 67% Oppose Bailout of GM, Obama Lifts Ban on Lobbyists

1) American capitalism gone with a whimper (says a Russian Journalist) It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists. Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.  First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.  Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America. …The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.  The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker. See: 2) Geithner insists Chinese dollar assets are safe: US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was laughed at by an audience of Chinese students after insisting that China's US assets are safe In his first official visit to China since becoming Treasury Secretary, Mr Geithner told politicians and academics in Beijing that he still supports a strong US dollar, and insisted that the trillions of dollars of Chinese investments would not be unduly damaged by the economic crisis. Speaking at Peking University, Mr Geithner said: "Chinese assets are very safe."  The comment provoked loud laughter from the audience of students. There are growing fears over the size and sustainability of the US budget deficit, which is set to rise to almost 13pc of GDP this year as the world's biggest economy fights off recession. The US is reliant on China to buy many of the government bonds it is planning to issue but Beijing's policymakers have expressed concern about the strength of the dollar and the value of their investments. See: 3) Just 21% Favor GM Bailout Plan, 67% Oppose Only 21% of voters nationwide support a plan for the government to bail out General Motors as part of a structured bankruptcy plan to keep the troubled auto giant in business.  The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 67% are opposed to a plan that would provide GM with $50 billion in funding and give the government a 70% ownership interest in the company.  Even when presented with the stark choice between providing government funding or letting GM go out of business, only 32% of voters support the bailout. Most voters (56%) say it would be better to let GM go out of business. See: 3a) The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M. WASHINGTON — It is not every 31-year-old who, in a first government job, finds himself dismantling General Motors and rewriting the rules of American capitalism. But that, in short, is the job description for Brian Deese, a not-quite graduate of Yale Law School who had never set foot in an automotive assembly plant until he took on his nearly unseen role in remaking the American automotive industry. See: 4) Obama Lifts Ban on Lobbyists! Back to Business as Usual Roll Call is reporting that during the typical Friday afternoon document dump -- a practice used to hide actions that might prove somewhat embarrassing to the White House -- the administration quietly announced that some of the former restrictions on lobbying ballyhooed about during the late campaign have been lifted. And now, we have to wonder: will the media notice this sudden change? I mean, a whole day has gone by and so far only Roll Call has mentioned it. In any case, let special interests ring, baby! See: 5) What if…North Korea Nuked Seattle? (An eye-opening chart by the Heritage Foundation) North Korea recently detonated a nuclear device estimated by some to be as powerful as the bomb that devastated Hiroshima, Japan. An explosion that size over Seattle would kill nearly 80,000 and debilitate another 42,000 in just the first 48 hours. It could happen. Seattle is about 4,700 miles from Pyongyang. Intelligence experts estimate North Korea’s Taepodong-2 missile has a maximum range of 6,000 miles. While North Korea aggressively accelerates its missile and nuclear programs, the administration has called for deep cuts in missile defense. See: 5a) Reports: N. Korea prepares long-range missile Weapon believed to be capable of reaching Alaska SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea has transported its most advanced missile, believed to be capable of reaching Alaska, to a site where it could be ready for launch in a week or two, news reports said Monday. See: 6) Officials: Mass abduction by Taliban in Pakistan …About 30 buses, cars and other vehicles were carrying the students, staff and others when they were stopped along the road by a large group of gunmen in their own vehicles, according to a school employee who was among those who escaped. He said the vehicle he was riding in happened to be behind a truck on the road and thus it was less visible and able to slip away unnoticed. The employee requested anonymity out of fear of Taliban reprisal and said the school's principal was among those abducted. The staffer said the assailants carried rockets, Kalashnikovs, hand grenades and other weapons. He estimated about 400 captives were initially involved. See: 7) The Next Hit on the Middle Class Okay, you want to hear the next hit on the middle class, the next obstacle that's going to keep you in the middle class from aspiring and reaching the American dream? It's from today: "'Barack Obama's Health Plan Takes Shape' -- Obama and congressional Democrats are considering an overhaul that could exceed $1 trillion over 10 years --" that we do not have, "-- and spending cuts will get them only so far. That means some people will take a tax hit. The hot target at the moment: levying a tax on health benefits provided through employers, which currently aren’t subject to taxation." So The Politico's the second news organization to make this something they're officially considering after it has been long predicted by me and others that this would be a target for new tax revenue. Now, the vast majority of people in this country are the middle class, right? And the vast majority of the people who work have health insurance provided by their companies, right? That means the vast majority of the people in this country, middle class, are going to get a huge tax increase, because the value of your health plan at your job will be treated as imputed income or additional income to what you are paid.   See: 8) Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept. RUSH: Do you remember last week when the Obama Justice Department dropped all charges against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia for voter intimidation? Ah, they just dropped the charges. The career lawyers in the Justice Department brought the charges. The political appointees, Eric Holder, dropped the charges. In the Atlanta Journal and Constipation today -- there is a trend emerging here, folks. There is a trend emerging. "The US Justice Department has rejected a program put together by Secretary of State Karen Handel..." She is a Republican secretary of state in Georgia. Her proposal, her program, was "to comb through state databases to detect ineligible voters who may not be U.S. citizens." The US Justice Department has rejected that program. So they dropped charges against a New Black Panther Party -- and video shows that the New Black Panthers were clearly intimidating voters at that Philadelphia polling place. For source article, see: Rush’s comments are at: 9) U.S. bill seeks to rescue faltering newspapers WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With many U.S. newspapers struggling to survive, a Democratic senator on Tuesday introduced a bill to help them by allowing newspaper companies to restructure as nonprofits with a variety of tax breaks. …Under this arrangement, newspapers would still be free to report on all issues, including political campaigns. But they would be prohibited from making political endorsements. See: 10) State moves to restrict Catholics in politics Official contends church must register as 'lobbyist' to speak outThe Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport in Connecticut has filed a federal lawsuit following assertions by a state official that rallying church members at the Capitol in Hartford constitutes a violation of lobbying law.  Six weeks after 4,000 Catholics in Connecticut rallied in opposition to a proposed state law known as Bill 1098, which dictated local parishes reorganize their governing structures to substitute lay leaders for priests in oversight of finances , the Diocese of Bridgeport received a letter from Connecticut's Office of State Ethics informing it that an investigation was underway to ascertain if the diocese had violated state law by failing to register as a lobbyist organization. See:

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