Tuesday, June 16, 2009

State-Run Media: ABC Obama Infomercial, Russia Suggests "Distributing Global Wealth More Fairly", Carter and Hamas

1) ABC TURNS PROGRAMMING OVER TO OBAMA; NEWS TO BE ANCHORED FROM INSIDE WHITE HOUSE On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care -- a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm! The network plans a primetime special -- 'Prescription for America' -- originating from the East Room, excluding opposing voices on the debate. …Today, the Republican National Committee requested an opportunity to add our Party's views to those of the President's to ensure that all sides of the health care reform debate are presented. Our request was rejected. I believe that the President should have the ability to speak directly to the America people. However, I find it outrageous that ABC would prohibit our Party's opposing thoughts and ideas from this national debate, which affects millions of ABC viewers. See: http://www.drudgereport.com/flashaot.htm 1a) State-Run Media: ABC Turns Over Its Network to Obama Propaganda RUSH: Getting tons of e-mail today, folks, from people who are surprised and upset over the news that ABC is turning over their network to President Obama. Eight days from now, ABC's World News Tonight will be broadcast from the Blue Room of the White House, and then they'll do a special that night on health care, and everybody's upset about it. See: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_061609/content/01125106.guest.html 2) Russia challenges dollar, China offers loans YEKATERINBURG, Russia – China and Russia sought greater international clout at a summit Tuesday, with China promising a $10 billion loan to Central Asian countries, while Russia challenged the dominance of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency. Russia also gave a prominent platform to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad amid massive protests in Iran over his bitterly disputed re-election and questions in the West about the vote. Chinese leader Hu Jintao said China will extend a $10 billion loan to a regional group that also includes Russia and four Central Asian states. The move adds muscle to China's role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a six-nation group Russia and China use to counter the Western influence in resource-rich, strategically placed Central Asia. The other members of the organization Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. …He added, however, that the creation of new reserve currencies should help distribute global wealth more fairly (oh, he must be friends with Obama! - comment and emphasis mine) and also encourage economic leaders to pursue a more balanced economic policy. …"If we have more reserve currencies, we will be able to insist and even demand a more responsible approach by countries which issued the global currencies," Dvorkovich said. "Those who issue reserve currencies today don't always take the interests of the global economy into account." …The Treasury Department on Monday said that foreigners, including China and Japan, the two biggest buyers of U.S. government debt, cut their Treasury holdings in April. See: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090616/ap_on_re_as/eu_russia_summit_talks 3) The White House Fires a Watchdog  The curious case of the inspector general and a Presidential ally. President Obama swept to office on the promise of a new kind of politics, but then how do you explain last week's dismissal of federal Inspector General Gerald Walpin for the crime of trying to protect taxpayer dollars? This is a case that smells of political favoritism and Chicago rules. See: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124511811033017539.html 4) Preliminary Analysis of Major Provisions Related to Health Insurance Coverage Under the Affordable Health Choices Act …According to our preliminary assessment, enacting the proposal would result in a net increase in federal budget deficits of about $1.0 trillion over the 2010-2019 period. When fully implemented, about 39 million individuals would obtain coverage through the new insurance exchanges. At the same time, the number of people who had coverage through an employer would decline by about 15 million (or roughly 10 percent), and coverage from other sources would fall by about 8 million, so the net decrease in the number of people uninsured would be about 16 million or 17 million. See: http://cboblog.cbo.gov/?p=293 4a) Analysis: Doctors' boos show Obama's tough road WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama isn't used to hearing boos.  For all the young president's popularity, the response he got Monday from doctors at an American Medical Association meeting was a sign his road is only going to get rockier as he tries to sell his plan to overhaul the nation's health care system.  The boos erupted when Obama told the doctors in Chicago he wouldn't try to help them win their top legislative priority—limits on jury damages in medical malpractice cases. See: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D98RBO9G0&show_article=1 5) IRS to Tax Employer-Provided Cell Phones The Obama Administration’s desperation for new revenue to feed its massive spending appetite is becoming more apparent every day. The latest tax hike proposal, this time from the IRS, is to tax 25 percent of the value of employer-provided cell phones or Blackberries. See: http://blog.heritage.org/2009/06/15/irs-to-tax-employer-provided-cell-phones/ 6) Iran Cracks Down On Foreign Media Iran's hard-line regime, starting to show stress under the mounting pressure of massive opposition rallies, has told foreign media that if they're seen on the streets of Tehran today with a camera, they will be arrested. See: http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/06/16/world/worldwatch/entry5091219.shtml 7) Carter to Obama: Remove Hamas From Terror List Former President Jimmy Carter will urge the Obama administration to remove Hamas from the terrorist list, FOX News has learned.  …Carter was visiting with Hamas leaders to try to persuade them to accept the international community's conditions for ending its boycott of the Islamic militant group. The international community has asked Hamas to recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept previous peace deals as part of ongoing efforts for Palestinians overall to acquire their own country. Hamas has refused. See: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/06/16/bomb-plot-carter-gaza-discovered/ 7A) 'Obama administration sent message to Hamas' Official with terror group says Carter 'right person' to serve as middle man JERUSALEM – Former President Jimmy Carter passed a message to Hamas from the Obama administration, according to senior sources in the Islamist group.  The sources did not disclose the content of the purported message or whether the communication was written or oral. They spoke on condition of anonymity, because they said Hamas had not yet reached a decision on officially releasing the information they were divulging. Separately, in an interview with WND today, Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser in Gaza, refused to confirm or deny that any message was passed to his group from the White House.  Youssef said, however, Carter is the "right person" to serve as a middle man between Hamas and the Obama administration. See: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=101288

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