Monday, August 31, 2009

53% Disapprove of O, Obama czar calls for overthrow of US gov - replacement by communist dictatorship, Fed stonewalls

1) White House czar urged 'resistance' against U.S. Main speaker at rally sponsored by organization associated with Revolutionary Communist Party JERUSALEM – President Obama's environmental adviser, Van Jones, was the main speaker at an anti-war rally that urged "resistance" against the U.S. government, WND has learned.  The rally was sponsored by an organization associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party, which calls for the overthrow of the U.S. government and its replacement with a communist dictatorship (emphasis mine). See: 1a) Glenn Beck: A Call to Action What a week. The president said he was going to fundamentally transform America. Since January 20, he's been racing full steam ahead toward doing just that. This week, can you feel a pivot point? Doesn't it feel like, as a nation, we are waking up? We've showed you some amazing, frightening facts and the White House hasn't challenged any of it. Unfortunately, I guess that means they agree with the information we've presented on people like green jobs "czar" Van Jones. He's an avowed communist and radical activist who co-founded the communist group STORM — a group that describes themselves and their activities as: "We upheld the Marxist critique of capitalist exploitation. We agree with Lenin's analysis of the state and the party. And we found inspiration and guidance in the insurgent revolutionary strategies developed by third world revolutionaries like Mao Tse-Tung and Amilcar Cabral." The White House hasn't bothered to even spin the information we presented on FCC diversity "czar" Mark Lloyd. This guy actually lamented the fact that non-state-run radio stations prevented the "incredible" revolution in Venezuela… …America, don't you see it? This isn't about Republicans vs. Democrats. This is about Republicans and Democrats and Independents against radicals, revolutionaries and anti-capitalist nut jobs (emphasis mine). See: 1b) White House stonewalls on 'radical' adviser Won't explain how admitted 'rowdy communist' became 'green jobs czar' JERUSALEM – More than five months after the Obama administration announced the hiring of its "green jobs czar," Van Jones, the White House has refused to explain whether it knew of Jones admitted black nationalist and radical communist history and just who hired the adviser. …The lack of available information concerning Jones is unusual since the Obama transition team previously touted it developed a seven-page questionnaire that included 63 questions about an applicant's background and qualifications for a federal job. Kincaid pointed out that CNN reported the document was to be for "every candidate for Cabinet and other high-ranking positions in the incoming administration."  However, there is no indication Jones ever filled out the document.  Also, there are open questions as to how Jones obtained a White House security clearance. He spent time in jail several times, including in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.  Jones was the leader and founder of a radical communist and black nationalist group, the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. The organization had its roots in a grouping of black people organizing to protest the first Gulf War. STORM was formally founded in 1994, becoming one of the most influential and active radical groups in the San Francisco Bay area. See: 2) Federal Reserve Board fights to keep its secrets Warns disclosing where money went would cause 'irreparable harm' The Federal Reserve Board, despite being ordered to disclose to whom it awarded roughly $2 trillion in discount "stimulus" loans, is fighting to keep the information under wraps as a protected "trade secret." Earlier this week, a U.S. district court judge rejected the Fed's argument that the names of borrowers are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and ordered the board to release the information by Monday, Aug. 31. …When the banking system threatened collapse last year, the Fed invoked its emergency lending powers to make discount loans to banks that now total into the trillions of dollars with the intent of stimulating the economy and preventing further financial meltdown. The names of the borrowing institutions were kept anonymous.  Bloomberg reporter Mark Pittman then filed a FOIA request in an attempt to get the Fed to disclose the borrowing banks and to identify the assets it accepted as collateral.  In return, Federal Reserve Board Secretary Jennifer Johnson sent Pittman a five-page response, telling him the Fed was withholding over 2,000 pages of information deemed protected against disclosure as "trade secrets" and "inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters." See: 3) Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: 53% Disapprove The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11. Twenty-nine percent (29%) are confident that Congress knows what it’s doing when it comes to the economy. If Americans could vote to keep or replace the entire Congress, 57% would throw out all the legislators and start over again. Just 25% would vote to keep the Congress. …Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. That’s the lowest level of total approval yet measured for Obama. Fifty-three percent (53%) now disapprove. Eighty-one percent (81%) of Democrats approve while 83% of Republicans disapprove. As for those not affiliated with either major party, 66% disapprove. See other recent demographic highlights from the tracking polls. See: 4) Controlling the internet is another overreach; yes you need to oppose this A few months ago the Obama Administration floated the idea of federal control of the internet during certain emergencies so as to protect the national interest. Now there is a real bill to do just that, promoted by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-NY). The bill would, among other things, give the federal government authority to shut down private internet services.  …The laughable part of this bill is that it gives the government authority to somehow 'shut down' the internet.  I guess the thought is that shutting it down would somehow prevent the threat from spreading. But this is like strangling someone who has inhaled ammonia or some other toxic gas. They don't need closure of the path that allowed the threat to enter; they need an antidote through the same path; in this case oxygen. The fact is many anti-virus programs are distributed through the internet and are designed to identify and destroy viruses, worms, and other insidious threats. The federal government is not on top of the latest in threats - private software firms are.  See: 5) GOP's Bachmann zings heckler at health-care town hall 'I've given birth here probably more times than you, sir' …Bachmann was in the middle of highlighting a story about 4,000 U.K. women forced by a lack of hospital beds to give birth in hospital hallways, when the heckler became too loud to ignore.  "That happens here!" the heckler shouted.  "Not here," Bachmann attempted to argue.  When the heckler insisted she was wrong, Bachmann responded with an impromptu zinger:  "I've given birth here probably more times than you, sir," she said. See: 6) Harry Reid Tells Nevada Businessman: "I Hope You Go Out of Business" On Wednesday, before he addressed a Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Reid joined the chamber's board members for a meet-'n'-greet and a photo. One of the last in line was the Review-Journal's director of advertising, Bob Brown, a hard-working Nevadan who toils every day on behalf of advertisers. He has nothing to do with news coverage or the opinion pages of the Review-Journal. Yet, as Bob shook hands with our senior U.S. senator in what should have been nothing but a gracious business setting, Reid said: "I hope you go out of business." See: And: Get this idiot out of office. Go to and donate to Sharron’s campaign.  7) Israel has Iran in its sights Iran has until late September to respond to the latest international proposal aimed at stopping the Islamic Republic from developing a nuclear weapon. Under the proposal, Iran would suspend its uranium enrichment program in exchange for a U.N. Security Council commitment to forgo a fourth round of economic and diplomatic sanctions. But if diplomacy fails, the world should be prepared for an Israeli attack on Iran's suspected nuclear weapons facilities. As Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently acknowledged: "The window between a strike on Iran and their getting nuclear weapons is a pretty narrow window." …Should Tehran prove unwilling to meet the September deadline and bargain away its growing and latent nuclear weapon capability, we can expect an Israeli attack that does not require U.S. permission, or even a warning. See:,0,7428703.story 8 )‘U.A.E. seized North Korea arms ship bound for Iran' The United Arab Emirates seized a ship several weeks ago that was bound for Iran and carrying North Korean weapons in violation of a UN embargo, Western diplomats said on Friday. …Diplomats said both North Korea and Iran appeared to be in breach of Security Council resolution 1874, which banned all arms exports from North Korea and authorized states to search suspicious ships and seize and destroy banned items. See:

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